Category: Journal Entries

Which 12-Necked Guitar is Right for You?

Japanese artist Yoshihiko Satoh has a love of multiplying mass-produced objects—including guitars. FYI, I’m not sure what the correct posture is for playing the giant guitar wheels. • An article and guitar image gallery on Yoshihiko Satoh • Yoshihiko Satoh’s Website

Teye’s Gorgeous Guitars

Many moons ago I stumbled across Teye Guitars. Teye is a luthier in Austin, Texas (originally from the Netherlands) who hand-makes custom guitars. I thought his site might be worth sharing because… the guitars are gorgeous. Combining ornate inlays and beautiful…

The Guitar Blog Launches

The blog is finally up and running! I’m hoping this blog will provide a supplement to my students and anyone else looking for reviews, resources, releases, insights, motivation, inspiration, and ideas beyond what I cover in my guitar lessons. Topics…