Japanese artist Yoshihiko Satoh has a love of multiplying mass-produced objects—including guitars. FYI, I’m not sure what the correct posture is for playing the giant guitar wheels. • An article and guitar image gallery on Yoshihiko Satoh • Yoshihiko Satoh’s Website
Category: Journal Entries
Happy New Year from Creative Spark Guitar!
It’s 2012, and whether it’s the beginning of the end or the dawn of a new age, the Mayans are telling us to make this year count. I’ve been working on several new projects that I hope to be rolling…
Mysteries and Health Benefits of Music
Music is endlessly fascinating. It’s a phenomenon that is so simple and quintessentially human, yet one which we still struggle to understand. How did it come about, and why? Why does it interact with our brains and bodies in…
Hugh Laurie Rocks Out In San Francisco
As a long-time Hugh Laurie fan, I’m very sorry I missed this performance at Hardly Strictly Bluegrass in Golden Gate Park last Saturday. I like Hugh Laurie’s recent release, Let Them Talk, but I have to admit that after years…
5 Books that Changed My Guitar Playing
Everyone has their top books that changed the way they see things and go about their lives. Here are five books that not only changed my viewpoint, but also my approach and course of guitar playing—and none of them are…
Teye’s Gorgeous Guitars
Many moons ago I stumbled across Teye Guitars. Teye is a luthier in Austin, Texas (originally from the Netherlands) who hand-makes custom guitars. I thought his site might be worth sharing because… the guitars are gorgeous. Combining ornate inlays and beautiful…
Avoiding Scams and Snake Oil Salesmen
While looking for some helpful resources online, I found another example of something that really bugs me, yet keeps cropping up: Hacks. Not hackers; snake oil salesmen. It seems to be a law of the market that these people will…
Discomfort and the Secret of Guitar Mastery
Becoming a decent guitar player is surprisingly easy. You just have to play for many hours—whatever music you enjoy—and after a while you’ll turn some heads. You’ll probably enjoy playing on your own or for friends, and perhaps have some…
7 (Unintentionally) Inspiring Guitar Movies
It’s probably impossible to come up with the perfect guitar/music movie list, but here are seven of my favorites. These aren’t all Oscar winners, but they all have their unique charms. For anyone getting into guitar, I hope these movies…
The Guitar Blog Launches
The blog is finally up and running! I’m hoping this blog will provide a supplement to my students and anyone else looking for reviews, resources, releases, insights, motivation, inspiration, and ideas beyond what I cover in my guitar lessons. Topics…