If you want to work on your art, work on your life. —Anton Chekhov
Category: Looking at the Pros
Guitar Quote of the Week: Joe Satriani
There’s no substitute for bonehead repetition. —Joe Satriani
Singing while Playing Guitar: Divide and Conquer by Eliminating Variables
Singing while playing the guitar is a perennial headache for beginners. It seems to be this mysterious multitasking ability that the pros have and effortlessly throw out during performances. In reality, it just takes a bit of practice—and the best…
Gary Moore & Playing with Feeling
Gary Moore – The Stumble I was very sorry to hear when Gary Moore died in February. If I made a list of guitarists who convey the most raw emotion, Gary would be near the top. I don’t know how…
Discomfort and the Secret of Guitar Mastery
Becoming a decent guitar player is surprisingly easy. You just have to play for many hours—whatever music you enjoy—and after a while you’ll turn some heads. You’ll probably enjoy playing on your own or for friends, and perhaps have some…
How To Get Really Good At Guitar As Fast As Possible
In addition to taking guitar lessons, the best way to ensure rapid progress is to practice regularly. I know from experience how easy it is to put off or forget to practice, and how tempting it is to play the…